Services: Design Strategy, Project Management, Ethnographic & User Research, Experiential Design, Digital Fabrication, Visual Design
Status: Completed 2022
My Role: Lead Designer and Strategist
Production Team: Dorothy Le, Pranav Subramanian, Maya Hazarika, Ellen Okamura, Ansh Jain, Sammy Le, Daniel Kim, Peter Le, Selina Xu, Moegi Amano
Client: Asian Memory Project, Dorothy Le
Achievements: Exhibited in Austin Public Library 2022-2024, Featured in The Daily Texan newspaper
When asked to design an event for Austin's Asian American community to coalesce through the unifying element of classical music by the Asian Memory Project, I worked with the AMP team to design a more innovative and engaging concert experience. The result was a series of unique concerts lasting all throughout the summer of 2022 generating thousands of ticket sales, partnerships with other Asian-owned small businesses, and a gathering place for Austin's Asian American families.